Finally it's Friday and it's party time! It's been great weather lately and all I want to do is buy bikinis and get into shape to be able to wear these bikinis! Haha
I've literally been working out 3 days a week, and doing abs every day. I swear it really works! Another month and I think I will have the stomach I need/want for summer! The trick is persistance and motivation. Set a goal and stick to it! Not only is working out is a stress reliever but you will see results within a month if you train 3-5 days a week and eat right! I admit, I have my cheat days, like on Sunday where I just want veg on the couch and eat Mc Donalds. But the rest of the week I will eat loads of salads and snack on low carb rice crackers and almonds.
If you go onto my pinterest @ gsiracuse, you can find loads of diet recipes and exercise regimens. And even on our Facebook page too!
Good luck! Remember, whats the point is buying nice clothes when your too scared to wear that tight dress because your embarassed of your thighs? Fashion is also about feeling good with yourself!
G xxx
I bought this bikini at Pull & Bear recently. It's a neon yellow (which I am obssessed with right now) and it's perfect for the summer festivals coming up!
I made these cut off shorts myself. I bought the levis on Ebay, and I put the studs on them. And used a X-acto knife to give it a used look. Check out this tutorial on how to take advantage of your old jeans!